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综合材料 水墨作品 装置艺术 概念家具 书法作品 陶瓷艺术 琉璃艺术 漆器 发际


  燎源艺术沙龙成立 2012-02-27 《时尚芭莎》许燎源植入生活的空间 《世界知识画报》艺术三人行 《新中国国礼艺术大师.精品六人集》 《意识图语》许燎源当代水墨艺术


[朴素堂视觉艺术馆] [巴黎罗浮宫博物馆] [中国美术馆] [凡尔赛博物馆] [社会能量-荷兰交流设计] [美器天成-艺术品] [无一物]

9:00—17:00 逢星期一闭馆,节日期间照常开放


门 票:

全 票:成人全票,票价30元(特殊展览另定)




免票: 未成年人(18周岁以下)凭/随父母来参观的未成年子女/65岁以上老人(凭老人优待证)/记者/现役军人/荣誉军人/残疾人


1. 展区内不准吸烟,游戏、进食和饮用饮料须到指定区域,不得喧哗和追逐。

2. 带小孩的观众,请管好小孩;注意安全卫生,保持展厅安静,维护展场秩序。

3. 请爱护公物,爱护花草树木,不要践踏草坪,不要攀骑户外艺术作品。

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安东尼奥在他非常年轻的时候就意识到他对艺术的热爱—关注, 阅读相关书籍,并潜心研究艺术。在瑞士举办过几次成功的展览后,他发现自己作为游轮的摄影师和艺术总监,他日出而作,观察世界,收集有价值的图片,积累经验,整理素材。






19. Feb. 1980 生于瑞士苏黎世
2002 开始研究个人试验性的绘画技巧
2004 完成第一件作品为结构主义
2005 – 2007 游轮摄影师
2007 – 2009 居于中国北京,自由摄影师和艺术家
2009 - 2011 游轮艺术总监和艺术拍卖师
从2011 居于中国成都蓝顶艺术村,专攻艺术事业

2015 "引力“, 中国成都WM艺术画廊
2015 "引力- 和平的象征" 印度乌代布尔Bagore Ki Haveli博物馆
2014 “厚”中国上海欧洲艺术画廊
2013 双人展 "A+A" 中国成都许燎源博物馆无一物画廊
2012 "厚度" 中国成都许燎源博物馆无一物画廊
2005 瑞士洛桑南极展览会

2015 中国香港“亚洲当代艺术博览会“
2015 "梦之旅"中国成都大者国际艺术中心
2014 中国成都文选美术馆“今日有约“
2014 香港“亚洲当代艺术博览会“
2014 中国成都蓝顶艺术节“行进中的艺术“
2014 中国成都许燎源博物馆无一物国际画廊
2014 中国成都国际金融中心复活节彩蛋绘画
2013 中国四川兮石秋季拍卖会
2013 中国新锐艺术年度大展,大瑭“传家”中国成都文轩美术馆
2013 中国成都蓝顶美术馆蓝顶艺术节
2012 中国成都蓝顶美术馆“蓝顶国际驻留计划展第一回“
2004 瑞士洛桑艺术工厂场联展

2015 香港卫视“希望成都“ - “安东尼奥的荷塘月色“ (14:50分开始)
2015 中国大者杂志封面艺术家 (刊期1-2,2015;页182-85)
2014 中国成都上层杂志 (刊期2014-8;页148-149)
2014 中国成都日报(第6页)
2013 中国成都上层杂志(刊期2013-12;页:110-115)
2013 中国1314杂志(刊期030;页:44—47)
2013 中国成都市锦江杂志 (刊期 23;第12页)
2013 中国成都日报(第9页)
2013 中国成都市锦江区电视台
2013 中国 Global Times (第8页)
2013 中国头等舱杂志封面艺术家, (刊期 101; 页: 1, 16, 28, 51-57)
2012 中国成都上层杂志(刊期2012—12;158/159页)
2012 中国成都华西都市报( 第十页)
2012 中国成都商报(第21页)
2012 中国CDTV 5
2012 中国成都1314杂志(刊期024;页:10/11)
2012 中国 世界艺术杂志 (刊期112;页:108—111)

The Art of Antonio

At a very young age Antonio realized that he had a passion for art – he looked at it, read about and studied it. After a few successful shows in Switzerland he found himself following the sun, seeing the world as a photographer and art director on cruise ships, collecting valuable insights, experiences and impressions.

Having travelled many parts of China and the world, Antonio went to Wudang Shan to refocus on his life and decided to dedicate it to the creation of artworks in oils in a new style he calls “Structursim” that he had developed through experimentation and that consists of diverse, sometimes very thick structures that are sharply cut by other structures.

He chose to create his art in “Structurism” because he is fascinated by oil paintings with structures or thicker layers of color since when he was a boy.

Those structures make that the spectator not only awakes in a fascination that challenges the consciousness, but is also set in the present moment that aligns body, mind and soul. Moreover the viewer experiences emotions that he did not or just rarely feel since childhood and is connected with this time when miracles, secrets and joy appeared abundant.

There are many aspects to Antonio’s art besides the obvious element of structures. The ideas to his works might be influenced by his experiences, travels and passions. The design however comes to him in meditation when he browses through his imagination until he finds a very appealing image. He will focus on this vision and start painting it in his heart and mind, perfecting the outlines of the designs and the colors in order to achieve a non-altering concept of the artwork. He will then sleep and work on it further in his dreams. In the morning he will sketch it quickly onto a piece of paper and then enlarge this sketch to the size in which he wants to create the artwork in all detail.

Usually his forms give the possibility of interpretation; Antonio gives but the outline of a head, a figure and suddenly the viewer can see himself in the image, become the Buddha, connect to his inner God or at least sense his divine origin.

We had the “Vide” of the New Realism, now Antonio fills the emptiness with the unconscious being brought into the conscious, activating imagination and fascination, awaking dreams of possibilities and ultimately creating a better world.

19 Feb. 1980 born in Zurich Switzerland
2002 studies on his own in experimental painting techniques
2004 completed first artwork in his unique style “Structurism”
2005-2007 Photographer on cruise ships
2007-2009 Freelance Photographer and Artist, based in Beijing, China
2009-2011 Art Director and Auctioneer on cruise ships
Since 2011 Artist, based at Chengdu Blueroof Artist Village, China

Solo Exhibitions
2015 “Gravity“, WM Gallery, Chengdu, China
2015 “Gravity – a symbol of peace”, Bagore Ki Haveli Museum, Udaipur, India
2014 “Unbearable Thickness” Gallery EUROP’ART, Shanghai, China
2013 Two Solos “A+A” at XLY MoMA, Chengdu, China
2012 “Structurism” at XLY MoMA, Chengdu, China
2005 “Les Lausannois“ at Pole Sud, Lausanne, Switzerland

Group Exhibitions (Selection)
2015 Asia Contemporary Art Fair, Hong Kong
2015 "Dream on the Road", MR.BIG International Art Space, Chengdu
2014 “Dating with Today“, Winshare Museum, Chengdu, China
2014 Asia Contemporary Art Fair, Hong Kong
2014 “Advancing Art Force” Blue Roof Art Festival, Chengdu, China
2014 XLY MoMA, Wuyiwu International Gallery, Chengdu, China
2014 IFS & China Economic Daily joint Easter Egg Exhibition, IFS, Chengdu, China
2013 Da Tang Annual Competition Exhibition at Winshare Museum, Chengdu, China
2013 Blue Roof Festival, Chengdu, China
2012 “Blue Roof International Art Residence Exhibition No. 1” at Blue Roof Museum of
Chengdu, Chengdu, China
2004 „Irrotationnels“ at Loft, Lausanne, Switzerland

Media (Selection)
2015 HKS - Hong Kong TV "Antonio's Moonlight Lotus Pond" (starts 14:50 until 25:26)
2015 Coverstory MR.BIG Magazine, China (Issue 1-2,2015; pages: 1, 82-85)
2014 Highlife Magazine Chengdu, China (Issue 2014-8; pages: 148-149)
2014 Chengdu Daily, Chengdu, China (page 6)
2014 TV Commentary on Chengdu (Chinese)(starts 11:37 until 17:23)
2013 Highlife Magazine Chengdu, China (Issue 2013-12; pages: 114-119)
2013 Chengdu Daily, Chengdu, China (page 9)
2013 1314 Magazine, China (Issue 030; pages: 44-47)
2013 Global Times, China (page 8)
2013 First Class Magazine, China (Issue 101; pages: 1, 16, 28, 51-57)
2012 Highlife Magazine Chengdu, China (Issue 2012-12; pages: 158/159)
2012 Huaxi City Newspaper, Chengdu, China (page 10)
2012 Chengdu Economic Daily, China (page 21)
2012 CDTV 5 News, China (Chengdu TV channel 5 evening news)
2012 1314 Magazine, China (Issue 024; pages: 10/11)
2012 World Art Magazine, China (Issue 112; pages: 108-111)



Five Color Lake - 40x50 - 2016

Gravity CD1633 - 120x160 - 2016

Gravity CD1634 - 120x160 - 2016

Reflections - 40x50 - 2016

Water Pearl - 40x50 - 2016

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